Over 1,100 people living with diabetes contributed to the campaign with hints and tips on living well with diabetes. These people were were integral to every phase of the work, including collating and editing the content they gave us down to the final 100 tips for our (their) book – 100 Things I Wish I’d Known About Living with Diabetes.
The TV ad featured real people living with diabetes giving their favourite tips and recommending the book that they themselves had helped to create. People living with diabetes also featured in all other media executions and the book was promoted through Diabetes UK’s own social channels and through the diabetes community.
The campaign received an unprecedented response, resulting in only 56% of the planned TV spend being necessary to achieve it’s target. The actual responses to the TV were 157,143 against a target of 15,972. Respondents were put on an email stewardship journey leading to membership and twice as many people became members than our client was hoping for.
The total campaign responses read like this:
Actual 171,816 vs. target 24,823. Facebook engagement rate: Actual 43% vs. target 2%.
It won some DMA awards in 2016 too: Gold in Healthcare and 2 Bronzes in Best Integrated Campaign and Best Customer Acquisition Campaign. Nice one people.
Agency: Arthur